Wednesday 19 September 2012

Week 9 Presentation

Preparing for the summative presentations was difficult as week 9 was a very busy week for us all assessment wise. 

Below is the groups video. 
From the video making it became clear to us that there were still a lot of unresolved issues in the concept which we hadn't even considered. It has become quite a complicated game, which would most definitely require the reading of instructions or manuals to understand. This is certainly not what we had intended. 

However, from the rough prototype that is used in the film it seems to be a relatively simple device to create a working model for. Even thought the model making doesn't begin for a while, I think it is very important that we keep this in the back of our minds. Creating a model that works is a large part of the assessment so we must not forget that eventually, we will have to build it. 

Working on the very first attempt at the design brief for the project, brought to mind some much finer points that we hadn't yet thought about. things like ensuring the product is compatible with systems around the world, how we can enable people with disabilities to use the product in the same way and what kind of materials would be ideal from a functionality point of view. Doing the brief really helped to solidify the overall concept of what we want to achieve and how the product will achieve this. 

Even if our concept changes between after the informal presentations i feel doing all of these things for the presentation has helped the hole team in more clearly understanding our goals and aims. 

We struggled to put together full presentation boards so early on in this stage of the project. Because there were still so many gaps and things we didn't know yet we had difficulties in choosing relevant things to include. 

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