While all this help was available to us, our group has made the decision to attempt to programme as much as we can without assistance. In doing this, our model will be quite simple as to work within the teams basic abilities. We think this is a better way to go about it, rather than designing a complex circuit with lots of different outputs and inputs and getting Yasu to basically do it all for us. We think our decision will be beneficial to our project and hopefully the markers at the end will appreciate his more.
Today of course we did some help. Leonardo helped simplfy our concept for our working model. From this we cut our plan to use lights. After thinking about it, they were kind of pointless. We had the vibrators to use and so the light and vibrators would be going off at the same time, which really was not a necessary part of our design. From the chat with leo we were able to make a much more easily understood plan of our circuit. We came up with a way to effectively communicate the workings and purpose of our electrical components.

We will have three push buttons that are each connected to one motor with in each "ball". There will be three motors in each part which have different intensities. Pressing two or three buttons at once will trigger each motor connected.
This working model we hope will communicate to the class how the two balls are connected. So if one ball moves then the other ball will move. It doesn't work exactly how our design does however i think it expresses the design intent quite clearly.
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