Tuesday 13 November 2012

Final Interactive Design

So after so many alterations and so much confusion along the way, I will now explain our final design! 
The scenario has always been the same, but the way in which we design for the specific users has been where the changes have occurred. Due to the countless slight changes that have been made throughout the project, it has been quite difficult to keep up and remember what had been altered and what new aspects we had decided on. 

It was last week that everything finally started making sense and falling into place. This was largely because of Brenden and Georgie's chat with Yasu, it really helped to solidify our concept and thoughts. 

We have narrowed down our product range again! We are now ONLY designing the actual ball (no longer the fridge attachment). Everything else will become a "suggested addition in the future".  This is a good move as it allows us to really focus on the one product- like all the other groups. This will give us a much More resolved single end product, rather than having two half job products that we didn't have time to fully think out. 

The same. House mates who have become close through living together. The time has come where they are to be separated and one of them moves out. 

Where InterBall come in:
2 complimentary products that both people buy
2 products exactly the same

People will interact with InterBall in different ways depending on their emotions. 
The behaviours are natural and will most likely occur subconsciously. 

What it does:

There 4 categories of interaction:

When a user is, missing the other person or feeling homesick
They will, hold the ball gently in a calm manner
The ball will, glow softly and create a gentle vibration (on both users products)
Why? To let the other person know they are thinking of them, and to give them the comfort of presence through the glow and hum being produced. 

When a user is, feeling emotional, frustrated or upset
They will, hold the ball with some force and apply pressure, in a squeeze-like action
The ball will, let off a bright light and begin vibrating more
Why? Users can share their emotions with each other and become aware if the their friend is feeling down or angry.

When the user is feeling playful
They will, pick up the ball, throw it or kick it
The ball will, react to this movement and create an intense light and erratic vibrations causing the ball to move around
Why? Indicates a playful mood and behaviour,  a kind of invitation to come play and join them. 

This category is a bit different to the others.
This  phase becomes active when both users are interacting with their product at the same time. 
The interball will let off a BEEP when the two users do the same thing with their products at the same time. eg. shake or apply pressure
Why? A special moment is shared for a second.  A feeling of connection is present and the surprise of the shared response is a warming feeling. 

Below is a table with the outputs and the the expected emotional responses. 
This table was created through asking different people (family members etc.) what their initial reaction to a certain physicality would be. It was interesting to collect this information there are some common themes across each, as well as some peculiar ideas specific to one person.
Through this process we were able to figure out the inputs and outputs for the above, using the 3 intensities method that we talked to Leo about. 

Highlighted are the ideas that we utilised through our design. 

Emotional and Physical responses
Soft glowing light·      Reminder of night light (safety when alone in the dark)
·      Comforting for someone by themselves, almost be like having another presence there
·      Peace
·      Emotional
·      Calming
·      Soothing
·      Relaxing
·      Therapeutic
·      Constance
·      Security and safety
·      Angel/spirits/religion
·      Sacredness
·      Dying if fading
·      New life if getting brighter
·      Growth
·      Mysterious
·      Supernatural
·      Asleep
·      Subdued

Intense bright light·      A physical thing that you would want to approach and get closer
·      Attractive
·      Curiosity
·      Attention
·      Sense of warmth or heat
·      Clinical
·      Sterile
·      Daunting
·      Fire
·      Shield your eyes
·      Danger
·      Risk/ threatening

Flashing light·      Excitement
·      Physically feels like something has to be done to make it stop
·      Emergency
·      Immediate
·      Attention
·      Countdown
·      Urgency
·      Movement
·      Something irregular or not right
·      Panic
·      Danger
·      Chaos and mayhem
·      Instability
·      Industrial
·      Big cities

Loud beep·      Alert for something
·      Surprise
·      Shock
·      Reminder
·      Warning
·      Telling you something specific
·       Full attention
·      Proximity
·      Timer
·      Anticipation
·      Game over

Slighting vibrating·      Happiness (like how a cat purrs, or how when you eat something yum you go mmmmmmm)
·      Notification
·      Fun
·      Playful
·      Company
·      Message
·      Turbulence
·      Machinery

Vibrating vigorously·       Aggressive
·      Attention grabbing
·      Antagonistic
·      Massaging

Vibrating erratically
·       Urgent
·       Desperate
·      Shock
·      Don’t know what’s going on
·      Confusion
·      Unpredictable
·      Irregular
·      Unstable
·      About to fall apart or break

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