Tuesday 13 November 2012


Bek and Brenden at our presentation table.

Here are the two models that were produced through the powder and plastic 3d printers from solid works files. The one on the left is the section to show the internals and the one

This is our working interactive model as well as the 2 prop balls we used for the filming of the movie. 

Brenden offered to do the whole verbal  presentation for us which me and Bek were very fine with. He is a confident speaker and is good at "selling". We included a demonstration of how the product worked using the electronic models. we decided not to show the narrative film as we were not too pleased with it's outcome. We didn't believe it really added anything that could not be said verbally in  a more efficient manner.

I think the narrative video did not turn out to effectively communicate the story was due to a number of reasons
-filming was done at uni not in the set of a home
-was not planned fully prior to filming
-no costume changes or props

The whole film was a bit disjointed and didn't really capture our required emotional responses.

Overall I think we did well but you never really know.

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