Monday 12 November 2012


We are making good steady progress I think. The only part that could be a concern is the narrative film. We had scheduled a time to do this last week... or maybe the week before? Because it got postponed, it was put on the back burner a little and we didn't really think about ti much after that. Now we are running out of time to do it. Hopefully it is drama free, and everything goes smoothly and to plan. Which is hardly ever the case though. I was going to do the movie today at home using some family members as our house mates. However in the end we decided on doing it all tomorrow. That way we can all be there, and also because we would be able to use our interactive model for the narrative film. This is necessary but I think it can only enhance the meaning and clarity of our film. Although it is a bit of  shame that the filming will be done at uni. This will restrict our plans for the narrative a bit, as there will be no costume changes, minimal access to props and the obvious being that it wont be filmed in a house. This is a fairly important aspect of our narrative but hopefully we will be able tot find a good spot to do that kind of resembles a home. But I suppose, in the end, the main thing is that the film has to convey our user experience in a expressive way that allows people to see the true purpose and meaning of our design. 

The B.O.M is coming along quite nicely, it's gradually been getting filled up. I dislike this process a lot. it does not interest me and I find it incredibly tedious. But it is useful in the end so I can't whinge too much. The design brief is also well on its way to being completed, as are the presentation boards. 

I'm not too sure how the interactive model is going at the moment, although I know a lot of issues were sorted out with the help of Yasu. Brenden is looking after that aspect and i'm sure he will do a great job on it. 

After a day full of "boming" it is quite relaxing to come and do some blogging. I have actually enjoyed this whole blogging concept. It is much more engaging then the traditional concept books that we usually do and I think it encourages research and reflection more. I have found it to be a good way to balance out the semester. There is the hectic design and building components that go on in the classroom. But then afterwards its nice to go home and just write about it and put all your thoughts down. I found it has been a good organisational tool for me. It helps me to understand what has just happened and what I need to do now because of this. 

For the moment I think we are all under control. That could easily change tomorrow though, so we can't get ahead of ourselves. 

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