Monday 20 August 2012

1995 Prediction of The Internet

This short video is of a group of American students in grade 5 from 1995. In it they predict what the internet will be like by the time they are in college. They predict that the internet will be their shopping centres, telephone, television and workplace. All of these things have become a reality. They are excited by everyday things such as being able to research rain-forests and check soccer scores overseas. These are such basic things for us now, and it shows how much and how quickly technology progresses. The expansion of internet allowed for a degree of communication and exchange of information that was so new and thrilling. In twenty years we will probably look back at today and think it humerous or cute at the kind of innovations and technology that we think is amazing and revolutionary today.  
GPS devices, video calls, mp3 players. 
Perhaps some of these things we will look back on one day and see them as basic and trivial. 

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