Tuesday 21 August 2012

Week 5

So everything went well for our presentation I think. I feel like we had a strong narrative with appropriate inputs and outputs and we got some good feedback from the other students. 
In the end we we able to get all of the separate components of the circuit (fan, speaker etc.) working.  However we didn't manage to connect them all together using the digital thermometer as it was just too difficult as we hadn't been taught that in any of the tutorial activities. This was a bit of a shame but in the video you can see the whole concept and what it would be like if it all worked seamlessly together. 

Here are some of the things we used for our final presentation. 

Georgie did these drawings. This is how she saw our concept as a full usable product. It's quite interesting how a whole electronic circuit with numerous parts and attachments could possibly be compacted into a potential object. 

Here is our final circuit diagram and sequence diagram. They show the inputs and outputs and how they all work together and what makes them start and what makes them stop. 

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