Tuesday 21 August 2012

Final Presentations

The exhibition today was quite enjoyable. I liked the format, where we could just walk round and see everyone's models in an informal way. There were some very cool ideas from the other groups.

Models from the exhibition

All of the ideas and concepts were really different. Some models were really good and some videos were really good.

Models and concepts which i particularly liked:

1. The big green model with the heart rate lights. 
The team had obviously put a lot of work (and probably money) into building the model. Was quite impressive. The concept was pretty cool as well, would have been amazing if it had worked the way they designed it to. 
2. The trolley game.
This was a clever concept and the model was really well put together. Was great to see a full working model and was set up in a way that really demonstrated it's use. 
3. Traffic light game. 
The model was great! Really cleverly put together and was good that we could all try it out. The video was also good in that it showed their real model being used out and about in it's context. 
4. Dj water pump.
I really enjoyed the video for this one. I think it was the best out of all the movies, in the sense of strengthening the narrative and concept. 

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