Sunday 12 August 2012

Pete's Sonic Art Research

I have been looking at the blog that was suggested in class. There are a whole bunch of cool installations that are based upon playing with relatively simple technology as a means to achieve some kind of interactive communication or display.

Here are some of the ones that particularly interested me.

video url:

This one is amazing because it is run purely on audrino and relates right back to our experiments in class. It shows the kind of mechanism that is possible with the program. It is much more advanced than what anyone has been doing in class, but it very cool to see the possibilities and opportunities that are capable using arduino. In general it is also quite a clever little concept .


This one was really intriguing to watch. At first I thought the people were moving their faces to create the sound, but after reading up on the experiment I discovered what was really going on.
An Electronic Artist had hooked up his friends to his "face visualizer". The wires were programmed to send myoelectric charges into the face, causing uncontrollable muscle twitches. It looks incredible with the four faces going at once. This experiment has quite an extreme out put, very interesting but certainly not anything that could be replicated for this project.  I think this interatcion is quite different because in most cases, any human movement would be the input. I haven't yet come across anything that has a human movement as the output.

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