Thursday 16 August 2012


Here are some concepts I did at home of some sequences involving inputs and outputs, that are possible with the pieces that we have collected over the weeks. 

A device to assist sleep walkers at night. If a person steps out of bed at night, they will step on the push button on the floor. This turns the bedroom light on in an attempt to wake them up. If the person continues, the motion sensor will detect them walking out of the door. This sets off a beeping alarm to notify the rest of the house so that they are able to put them back to bed. 

To be used in an office scenario. If the receptionist gets a visitor or a phone call and the boss is busy in his office. The receptionist presses the button on her desk which alerts the boss in his office that there is someone waiting for him. Two presses of the button makes it turn red which means there is someone waiting in reception for him. One press turns the light green and indicates a phone call on hold. The toggle can be used to increase or decrease the brightness of the light, to signify it's importance. After a certain amount of time, the vibrator will go off on the bosses desk, which means he has been keeping someone waiting for a very long time.
This one has been designed to be used at a club or party by the dj. The thumb trigger will start up the music. Holding it down will increase the volume. The lights are connected to the music and will flash in time with the song. The toggle allows the dj the have some control over the lights and move them in the direction they would like. A simple push button starts the fan which is used to spread confetti and streamers.

A contraption which allows for the monitoring of people numbers inside a particular public venue. The user will be outside of the venue, pressing down on the trigger every-time a person goes in side. The screen will show up the number of times the trigger has been pressed ie. the number of people inside. When the people count begins reaching the maximum amount the vibrator goes off to alert the person that not many more can fit. Once the venue is full the light will go off. This also indicates the people wanting to go in, that they cannot as the space is at maximum capacity. If the limit is ignored and too many people enter, the alarm will go off. 

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