Saturday 4 August 2012

Inputs and Outputs in Other Forms

All of this work focussing on inputs and outputs has lead me to the incredible inventor, cartoonist and engineer Rube Goldburg

He was the creator of the wacky home made contraptions that involve sequences of different elements working together to accomplish a small goal at the end. Think mouse trap the board game. 

This may seem a little off track, but i feel that Goldburg's inventions and design philosophy are very relevant to the project currently at hand. His contraptions are fabulous examples of how one tiny input at the very beginning of a process, can lead to a whole number of different things occurring. They show how elements can work seamlessly together in a way that achieves a particular result at the end- the output. Although there is no technology involved they still show how different things can be teamed together.

This film shows a quite complex Rube Goldburg put together by the Myth Busters team. 

Here is a more modern approach to a "Rube Goldburg". 
The input here being a rolling movement
and the output here being the tilting down of the platform, tipping the car off. 

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