Thursday 16 August 2012

The Future of News

This future vision is not much different to other vision's on future technology that I have seen. I don't think this one has much in the way of innovation. The central idea is purely communicating with people via the computer, which is already very much possible. Although, I think it is an interesting showcase of how technology can be used in different contexts by different people to potentially make positive experiences everyday. 

This one is called A Day made of Glass 2 by Corning. I think most people have already seen the first one. While this film is very exciting to watch, all based around interactive touch surfaces, it is important to remember that our future news project should not be based around touch screens. But I think this one is a good one to watch because of it's ideas of people's everyday interaction with technology. I think the classroom scene is the most relevant as it presents some innovative new ways in which a group of people can share and explore information. The use of interaction through graphics in this scene is also very effective and enforces the ideas of visual communication and learning. 

While researching I came across a video that was documenting the conceptual ideas from a journalism firm in 1994, Knight Ridder. It's quite lengthy with a large amount of talking so i'm not going to put it up.  The video shows a group of journalists, designers and researchers discussing their plans to create an interactive tablet for viewing the news. The team have realised that with the world becoming increasingly digital, the world of newspapers in which they worked would be threatened and would have to adapt to survive. The video shows their "revolutionary" idea of having a tablet that merges audio, graphics and text together into a portable electronic device weighing just under a kilogram. The screen is to replicate ink on paper in it's readability and appearance. Any of these ideas sound familiar? Rodger Fiddler, the founder of Knight Ridder, the company deriving the concept at the time, spoke of the time as being, "one of the most exciting places to be in the newspaper industry today." He believed he and his team could play a role in changing history.  I think this video was quite amazing in that it was almost twenty years ago that these people were even thinking about things like the ipad and kindle. It is a great example of how innovations come about as a result of a changing market and society. Change was becoming inevitable at that time, with technological advancments changing the way people lived and the way they wanted to live. Even though this team may not have managed to produce and launch this product, their predictions were spot on and they envisioned a future that is very much a reality today. This team challenged what had been occurring successfully for 500 years and recognised that it was time for change. This is similar to what is expected of our future news project, so I think that we should do the same. 

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